
b. 1986, HK.


We are The Creatives Formerly Known As The Creative Hobos


- a Danish Senior team with 8-12 years of international experience, having travelled around the world to work with the best minds, agencies and brands out there. 

Always chasing the best idea to solve the problem at hand, we have been working with everything from TVCs to tech ideas, from activations to creating fully digital and social campaigns leveraging the new formats and possibilities of the online platforms. But what we love the most is to think and create ideas that make a real difference in people’s lives. No matter the platform. 

For the last 1,5 years we’ve been enjoying the temperature-controlled indoor climate in Dubai as Associate Creative Directors at Memac Ogilvy. 

We joined the Dubai office in October 2017 after having travelled around within the Ogilvy network, introducing a new, social way of thinking advertising. Along the way, we worked at the Ogilvy offices in Brussels, London, Amsterdam and Johannesburg with brands like Nespresso, American Express, Dove, Ford and Philips.

In our time before Ogilvy, we travelled around Europe working for food and a place to stay as The Creative Hobos at agencies like Jung von Matt, BBDO, Grey and FCB. 

Now, we’re back in London looking for new opportunities.
Don’t hesitate to say hi!




Majken Gram (left)

Senior Creative, Copy
Associate Creative Director

8 Years of international experience

Website: majkengram.com


Troels Popp (right)

Senior Creative, Art
Associate Creative Director

13 Years of international experience

Website: troelspopp.com